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{ "WMF3": { "Win7": { "x86": "", "x64": "" } }, "DotNet4": "", "WMF4": { "Win7": { "x64": "", "x86": "" }, "Server2012": "" }, "WMF5": { "Server2008R2": "", "Server2012": "", "Server2012R2": "", "Win7": { "x64": "", "x86": "" }, "Win81": { "x64": "", "x86": "" } }, "WMF51": { "Server2012": "", "Server2012R2": "", "Win81": { "x64": "", "x86": "" } } }
iscsiadm 用法
data from
Understanding iscsiadm Utility in CentOS / RHEL
Discovering iSCSI targets using Send Targetsmode
Use the iscsiadm utility to update, delete, insert, and query the persistent database. Also use this utility to establish a session between a target and an initiator. Several different operational modes are available for the command.
- discoverydb: Updates or queries the Open-iSCSI database records
- discovery: Performs a discovery operation
- node: Performs an operation on a portal (IP:port) on an iSCSI target
- session: Performs an operation on a TCP connection between an initiator and a target
- iface: Performs an operation on a network interface
Additional options to iscsiadm include:
- -type – Specify the discover type.
- -portal – Specify the iSCSI target portal.
man vmstat
- r: The number of processes waiting for run time.
r 表示运行队列 (就是说多少个进程真的分配到CPU). 当这个值超过了CPU数目, 就会出现CPU瓶颈.
b: The number of processes in uninterruptible sleep.
- swpd: the amount of virtual memory used.
- free: the amount of idle memory.
- buff: the amount of memory used as buffers.
- cache: the amount of memory used as cache.
- inact: the amount of inactive memory. (-a option)
- active: the amount of active memory. (-a option)
- si: Amount of memory swapped in from disk (/s).
- so: Amount of memory swapped to disk (/s).
- bi: Blocks received from a block device (blocks/s).
- bo: Blocks sent to a block device (blocks/s).
- in: The number of interrupts per second, including the clock.
- cs: The number of context switches per second.
- These are percentages of total CPU time.
- us: Time spent running non-kernel code. (user time, including nice time)
- sy: Time spent running kernel code. (system time)
- id: Time spent idle. Prior to Linux 2.5.41, this includes IO-wait time.
wa: Time spent waiting for IO. Prior to Linux 2.5.41, included in idle.
wa 列显示了IO等待所占用的CPU时间的百分比。这里wa的参考值为30%,如果wa超过30%,说明IO等待严重,这可能是磁盘大量随机访问造成的,也可能磁盘或者磁盘访问控制器的带宽瓶颈造成的(主要是块操作)
st: Time stolen from a virtual machine. Prior to Linux 2.6.11, unknown.
- r: The number of processes waiting for run time.
创建intellij idea启动图标
centos上创建intellij idea启动图标
# cat /usr/share/applications/pycharm.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Pycharm GenericName=Pycharm Comment=Pycharm2019:The Python IDE Exec=sh /wjhdata/pycharm-community-2019.1.3/bin/ Icon=/wjhdata/pycharm-community-2019.1.3/bin/pycharm.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Utility;Application
IntelliJ IDEA
# cat /usr/share/applications/intellij.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=IntelliJ IDEA Comment=IntelliJ IDEA Exec=sh /wjhdata/idea-IC-191.7479.19/bin/ Icon=/wjhdata/idea-IC-191.7479.19/bin/idea.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Utility;Application