
利用 iscsiadm 实现ip-san

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man vmstat FIELD DESCRIPTION FOR VM MODE Procs r: The number of processes waiting for run time. r 表示运行队列 (就是说多少个进程真的分配到CPU). 当这个值超过了CPU数目, 就会出现CPU瓶颈. b: The number of processes in uninterruptible sleep. Memory swpd: the amount of virtual memory used. free: the amount of idle memory. buff: the amount of memory used as buffers. cache: the amount… Continue reading 结合vmstat分析iostat输出结果

创建intellij idea启动图标

centos上创建intellij idea启动图标 Pycharm # cat /usr/share/applications/pycharm.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Pycharm GenericName=Pycharm Comment=Pycharm2019:The Python IDE Exec=sh /wjhdata/pycharm-community-2019.1.3/bin/ Icon=/wjhdata/pycharm-community-2019.1.3/bin/pycharm.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Utility;Application IntelliJ IDEA # cat /usr/share/applications/intellij.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=IntelliJ IDEA Comment=IntelliJ IDEA Exec=sh /wjhdata/idea-IC-191.7479.19/bin/ Icon=/wjhdata/idea-IC-191.7479.19/bin/idea.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Utility;Application

Categorized as linux, tool